Homecoming Spirit Week Daily Themes Sept. 9th-13th
High School Homecoming Dance Sept. 14th
Homecoming Spirit Week Daily Themes Sept. 9th-13th & High School Homecoming Dance Sept. 14th
Monday, Sept. 9th- Tigers Shine Bright
- Wear sparkles and neon as we "Shine Bright" against the Bearcats!
Tuesday, Sept 10th- Teen Beach Tigers
-Dress up as Surfers (Hawaiian) or Bikers (leather gear) like the hit Disney movie!
Wednesday Sept. 11th- Camo Day
-Wear CAMO gear as we 'Hunt the Bearcats!"
Thursday Sept 12th- Throwback Thursday
-Dress up in your RETRO gear because "Tigers have been the best for generations!"
Friday, Sept. 13th- School Spirit Day
-Show school spirit and wear your RED and WHITE HOCO gear!
Saturday, Sept. 14th- High School Homecoming Dance
-7pm-10pm ~ in the BISD practice gym ~ $5 entrance fee ~ Water/refreshments provided ~ Door Prizes